Chin strap

Chin strap

Object type: jewellery

Culture / Provenance: Oman / Ad Dakhiliyah

Material: silver, wool thread

Date: pre-1970

Length: 35.5 cm
Width: 4.5 cm

Description: strap that women would run around their chin and hook to the head cover to keep it in place.

Additional information: a set of triangular end pieces, adorned with exquisite silver chains, was designed to attach to straps made of woollen threads, which could also be swapped out for beautifully plaited silk. These straps served a practical purpose for women, as they would encircle their chin and secure it to their head cover, ensuring it stayed perfectly in place (Richardson and Dorr, 2003. The Craft Heritage of Oman. London: Motivate Publishing, p.440).

Birgit Mershen

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